In 2014, as XCMG’s traditional competitive road construction product, the wheel rollers, especially the ones over 30 tons, have had a good market performance – a year-on-year growth of 4.3% -- keeping up its domestic market share above 60%. The overwhelming dominance is entrenching its root in the construction machinery industry.
With decades of technical and industrial development, XCMG has become the world’s largest builder of road construction and maintenance machines. Its rollers, by its continuous change and innovation from the first generation to the forth generation, have gained the steam in traction of a new-type leapfrog development. While reinforcing its internal strength, XCMG is integrating its great wisdom of green ideology into its business culture to provide customers with "heart and soul" service, so as to increase its brand reputation and gain users’ loyalty.

Post time: Nov-22-2014